Thursday, January 21, 2010

bock bock

i picked linus up from t&t's house this evening and he clucked at me (they have chickens). he associates chickens ("bock bock") and eggs ("eggies"). he said "moon" all the way from the porch door to the car.

late night living room scene

circa 3:45am, having just had a diaper change, nursing in the living room, linus is quiet for a long time. from the bedroom it looks as though he's asleep. then:


several beats. "snow."

several beats. "moon."

early morning scene

circa 4:45am.

having just been danced back to sleep after a diaper change, linus is sawing logs with his cheek on the sheepskin.

evidently dreaming about dogs. hauls self up on hands, says "woof woof woof!" crawls over to mama to resume sleep.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

evening scene

sitting at the table, naked from the waist down while a diaper rash heals, grownup-sized oven mitts on both hands, trying to drink from a small water bottle.