Monday, June 21, 2010


this morning linus surprised me by spontaneously identifying my shirt as yellow.  or more like "lllelllow."  i think he's got the hang of blue too.  i'm playing it cool, as usual.

Friday, June 18, 2010

the potty situation

until further notice, if you see linus using the potty by himself, DO NOT SAY OR DO ANYTHING OUT OF THE ORDINARY.  no congratulations, no gold star stickers, nothing like that -- it's totally a workaday thing to use the toilet.  we go about our business while he goes about his.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

yesterday at breakfast

i am checking my email over a bowl of oatmeal.  i don't think linus can see the iphone on which i am checking the email.

linus: "papa!  no ipod!"

it's going to be a long childhood.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

today's developments

  • learned to use a drinking straw
  • made a joke pronunciation of "elephant" ("efeladladladladla")
  • expressed preferences about animals at the zoo (most favored: fish; lions)
  • first big-box wholesale experience
  • first "kid's meal" (it was free)